Monday, April 17, 2017


Hey everyone, we had a great week this week! 

Peyton was baptized on Friday! The baptism went really well, Peyton is a good kid! There was a lot of his family there and a lot of members were there to come and support him! I’m grateful to have been apart of his process. His mom has been awesome at helping him come to church on Sunday despite working 2 jobs. I’m grateful to be able to meet people like that!!  She is a member and recently reactivated. He has a dad but he isn’t in the picture. Peytons uncle came over from Dallas, TX to baptize him!! 

Blake, came around and came to church on Sunday! He just gets super upset when he doesn’t understand something! But we helped him out!  We are seeing him again on Wednesday!! We had a zone meeting, had to go all the way to Hattiesburg to have it!  It was good. They are better now that I don’t have to teach them, but they are still long haha!  It’s fun to see everyone!

On Saturday we were out biking to an appointment and all of a sudden out of no where it just started pouring rain! We hurried over to a tree and stood under it for a little while. Luckily a few minutes later a guy came outside and invited us to come stand under neath his porch. We survived the rain storm but we were pretty soaked haha!

Sunday we went to the Mays and had a great dinner with them!! They are an awesome family!  They are a family that takes good care of us just like the Osburns did. They are the best! I am grateful for the Easter season and the chance to remember the Savior and what his resurrection and Atonement means for all of us. Its what makes it possible for us to live together as a family with Him and our Father in Heaven again!

Lately I have been studying a lot about the Spirit world and the resurrection and am going to be moving on to the kingdoms of glory soon. If you find any good talks let me know! We have had a few rainy days but it hasn’t been blasting hot lately so thats good news!  We have a good teaching pool right now and are staying busy, I’d better work hard cause I don't have a lot of time left!

I heard the Jazz won their playoff game. Thats sweet they are in the playoffs!!!

Love you all!
Elder Larsen

Mosiah 16:7-9
And if Christ had not risen from the dead, or have broken the bands of 
death that the grave should have no victory, and that death should have no sting, there could have been no resurrection.
But there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the  sting of death is swallowed up in Christ.
He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be  no more death.

-Zone Conference
-Dinner with Bro. Reyes
-Kyani with Bro. Reyes
-Peytons Baptism
-Easter Egg Hunt with the May Family 
-Easter Dinner with the Mays
-Easter Dinner with the May Family

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